Our concern for the environment begins with our own operations and extends into our relationships with customers, suppliers and the wider community. It is our policy to comply fully with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
We believe that employees are our greatest human capital. We provide the best working condition to our employee and implement labour system to ensure compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations, including but not limited to child labour, work hours, minimum wage, overtime, and statutory benefits.
We also fight against all forms of bribery, corrupt activities, dumping, and monopolies; insist on contributing to the society.
We recognise good corporate governance promotes and safeguards the interests of our shareholders and other stakeholders.
The Group has also fully complied with all the code provisions and most of the recommended best practices set out in the Corporate Governance Code (“CG Code”) contained in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“HKEx”) (the “Listing Rules”).